80th Ave NE (SR522-NE 185th St) Sidewalk and Bike Lane Project


 80th Ave NE between SR522 and NE 185th Street


 Design/Permitting 2024-25

Construction 2026

Project Description

 This project includes buffered bike lanes, in-fill sidewalk improvements to provide continuous sidewalk on both sides of the street, traffic calming measures, curb extensions/bulb-outs with reduced curb radii at side streets, curb ramps, three (3) new marked crosswalks across 80th Avenue NE with illuminated Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) crosswalks, green pavement/bicycle intersection markings with bike box at SR522, storm drainage, street trees and posted speed limit reduction to 30MPH.  Narrow strips of property may need to be acquired to connect the sidewalk along a few parcels.  Refer to project plan, schematic rendering, and typical cross section for more information.


 80th Avenue NE is an arterial street carrying over 6,500 vehicles per day and is frequently traveled by Snohomish County commuters to access SR522.  The 80th Avenue NE corridor in the project limits consists of gapped pedestrian facilities, sub-standard bike lanes, narrow paved shoulders, and drainage ditches.  The speed limit is posted at 35 MPH however motorists’ 85th percentile speeds approach 39 MPH in residential areas.  The city has installed a set of speed feedback signs near NE 183rd Street to reduce vehicle speeds, but additional traffic calming measures are needed. 

There are multiple school bus stops along the corridor where kids frequently cross the street to access the bus stops.


The estimated project budget is $2.47M.  This project is primarily funded by a Washington State Pedestrian and Bicycle Program grant of $2.22M, with the remainder funded by the city.