The purpose of transit-oriented development (TOD) is to concentrate pedestrian-oriented mixed-use development at intensities that support and are supported by multi-modal transportation options, including high-capacity transit. As Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) comes to Kenmore along SR-522, transit-oriented development is proposed along the transit corridor.
In the past, an “overlay zone” allowed higher densities in this area with affordable housing requirements, but the choice of whether to use the TOD standards was left to the developer. Given the City’s new importance as a High-Capacity Transit Community, with regional obligations, the TOD standards are now being incorporated into the underlying zoning districts and a new zoning district, “Urban Residential” has been proposed.
The City Council has directed that certain properties near Swamp Creek will retain their existing zoning, including the TOD overlay zone, pending completion of a Swamp Creek corridor study that will inform future code amendments for this area. A second City Council public hearing also is scheduled for Monday, March 13, 2023 at 7:00 p.m., to consider Ordinance 23-0575 that would retain this existing zoning including the TOD overlay zone, i.e. the “interim regulations”. The interim regulations prohibit townhome development, and for properties that do not choose to develop under the TOD provisions they must meet the base density of the underlying zone and include at least 25% of the total number of units as affordable units.
The Planning Commission discussed the TOD standards at their meetings on June 30, July 19, August 16, and September 20, October 4, October 18, and November 1. The Planning Commission presented their recommendations to the City Council at a joint meeting on November 21.
The City Council discussed the amendments on November 28 and February 13. The proposed ordinance to adopt the final amendments (Ordinance 23-0574) can be viewed here. The map showing the new Urban Residential zoning district also can be found attached to the proposed ordinance.