City of Kenmore Washington
Home MenuPermits & Inspections
Permitting services provided by Development Services include:
- Building and site development such as residential and commercial building permits, sign permits, demolition permits, re-roof permits, plumbing permits, mechanical permits, and clearing and grading permits;
- Land use approvals such as rezones, variances, conditional use, boundary line adjustment, temporary and special uses; critical area reviews;
- Right-of-way permits (non-franchise);
- Subdivision reviews such as preliminary and final short plats and long plats;
- Special event permits such as concerts and performances, event at a City park, street fair, Run or Walk event, block party.
The permit review process may include public notification, pre-application meetings, public hearings, plan review, appeal periods, and inspections.
Please note: All electrical permits for the City of Kenmore are issued and inspected by Labor and Industries.
Other regulatory permits may also be required for your project. Check out the Regulatory Handbook created by the Governor's Office for Regulatory Innovation and Assistance.
C&D Recycling Requirements: King County now requires that C&D (construction and demolition) materials be taken to a King County Designated Facility and has banned specific readily recyclable C&D materials from being disposed of in a landfill. A list of designated facilities and details on the bans can be found on the King County C&D website.
Construction work hours and holidays can be found here.