The Community Van program is a rideshare program by King County Metro that makes it easier for getting around your neighborhood. The program is driven by volunteers, and anyone may schedule a one-time ride or recurring trips anywhere within 60 miles. Use Community Van to run errands, get to appointments, or attend activities and outings!
Metro Flex is a new, weekday on-demand flexible-route transit service in the Juanita area. Use Metro Flex for shopping, appointments, recreation, social events and more. A Metro Flex ride costs the same as a Metro bus trip, and you can pay with your ORCA card and even transfer to/from bus or Sound Transit light rail service. Book your trip to begin and end anywhere in the Juanita service area, which includes a large portion of Kenmore, Juanita, and Totem Lake.
You can help reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, and sustain the quality of living in our region by connecting with a ridematch partner by using Rideshare Online. This online system is managed by Washington State Department of Transportation and assists commuters by providing free carpool and vanpool ride matching services. Use your personal vehicle to rideshare with a few co-commuters, or use a van provided by King County to rideshare with 5 to 15 other commuters!
King County Metro has an array of options for King County, including Accessible Services and ADA Paratransit.